hatchet job - definitie. Wat is hatchet job
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Wat (wie) is hatchet job - definitie

hatchet job         
(hatchet jobs)
To do a hatchet job on someone or something means to say or write something mentioning many bad things about them, which harms their reputation. (INFORMAL)
Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.
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hatchet job         
¦ noun informal a fierce written attack.
Hatchet Job of the Year         
Hatchet Job of the Year was a British journalism award given annually from 2012 to 2014 to "the writer of the angriest, funniest, most trenchant book review of the past twelve months". It was awarded by The Omnivore, a review aggregator website, with the aim to "raise the profile of professional critics and to promote integrity and wit in literary journalism".
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor hatchet job
1. mid-80s. One was kind of a hatchet job.
Jacques Cousteau _ Brad Matsen _ Talks at Google
2. video hatchet job on Hilary Clinton during the 2008 primaries. And last year, won the
Figures of Speech _ William Bennett Turner _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor hatchet job
1. "I‘ve become convinced," he said finally, "that what you‘re writing is a hatchet job.
2. However, the ministry branded the final reports a "hatchet job", with a source saying it had particular concerns with two of the three reports.
3. A woman named Kim e–mailed to ask "why the media . . . continue to do such a hatchet job on Dan Rather.
4. Morgan’s own theory is "because they think it was written with compassion and integrity rather than being a hatchet job". But others see something else.
5. I heard her saying, "Russ thinks it‘s going to be a hatchet job." Means himself was at the kitchen table, glowering.